Sunday, October 7, 2012

Roll Out the Barrel...And Then Some

 As the child of parents that aren't huge wine drinkers, I've been going to Lynfred Winery's Oktoberfest a suspiciously long time...and this year the Foodie was workin' it (the food station, that is).

Oh, the food...

Roast pork.  Tasty, whole-hog roast pork.  I scooped more than a couple of those roast pork dinners on Saturday.  After that, you'd think I wouldn't want to even think of pork, much less eat it.  But I brought some home for dinner after my shift was over.  It seemed just as tasty as it would have if I hadn't been staring at the stuff for the past eight hours.

And then there's the sweet corn.  It's roasted in the husk (a preparation I am desperate to try), and then dunked in butter or garlic oil. Mmm, delicious.  I had some of that too.

Now, there's also some other stuff...bratwurst burgers (sounds strange until you try it...they're awesome), sauerkraut and German potato salad (I'd say these two are an acquired taste.  I just happen to have acquired it).

We mustn't forget the desserts.  Caramel apples, cherry strudel (I had some! I soon wished I had more!), über-fudgy brownies (See what I did there? I spoke German! Impressive for a girl minoring in Spanish...By the way the brownies were insane. I hope there's more next year), and, of course, German chocolate cake.

The food wasn't the only attraction, either.  There were games (Oh, the games! Only made better, I am sure, by the beverages being consumed!).  Grape spitting, grape stomping, costume contests (It's the worst when you show up and realize you're the only one not wearing your lederhosen).  And there was music!  There was a new band this year, and they were just awesome.

Oh's a winery.  Silly me.  There was wine.  Lots of it.  And tasty stuff too, from what I understand.  Each year, the winery releases a special Oktoberfest wine.  There's apple in the blend this year.  It seems like there's been a light, apple-y note to it in recent years, so adding the fruit itself makes sense.  It's a wine for people who think they don't really like wine.  (Now, I can't drink it, but who's to say I don't get a lil' taste of it at home? Just a sip, lovies.)  But there was no consumption of alcoholic beverages for the Foodie during her shift, no siree!

By the time I got home, I was exhausted; I had polka music in my head, my feet were sore...and I had sauerkraut on my shoes. (I have an explanation for that! I was scooping the sauerkraut! Oh, come on...stop judging me...)

Unfortunately, since I had to get back to school today, we didn't go back to enjoy being on the opposite side of the food windows.  There's always next year...until then, I'll just dream of roasting pig and polka music.

Check out the winery's website for information about events.  Oktoberfest only happens once a year, so keep your eyes peeled next fall.  The winery is also on Facebook and Twitter.  Like them!  Follow them!

Keep your eyes out for the Foodie's next post, too, kids!  Not sure when that will be, but you know where to look.

Prost! (That means 'Cheers!' in German...just in case you weren't sure)

~Amateur Foodie

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for a lovely post! You're making me hungry to try it all over again!
